It takes constant reinvention to make sure our efforts, career paths, and viability as valuable members of organizations, communities and disciplines continues throughout our career. To better imagine the second half of your career whether it’s in the job you’re currently doing or something new entirely you need to engage in the continuous sharing and […]
4 Imperatives for Streamlined Strategic Planning for Functional Leaders
Given the uncertainty and volatility as organizations reset business strategy, strategic planning can no longer last for months or wait for an annual update. The business context changes too fast and too radically, and scenario plans, enterprise strategy and strategic execution plans need to adapt accordingly. During the strategic planning process, enterprises, functions and business units identify the choices […]
Future of Work: Career Transition
According to an Investec survey, over half of employees intend to change careers rather than just changing jobs in the next five years. People are increasingly changing jobs and even careers over what is widely expected to be a longer working life than ever before. Curtin University in Australia conducted research on how athletes deal […]
Self-Career Development : 3 Strategies to Accelerate Your Career
In an age of frequent job hopping, where employers demonstrate hesitancy to invest in developing individual employees who are likely to leave before a return on learning is realized, self-career development is an increasingly important component of individuals’ success in the workplace. For ambitious employees, self-development is an effective way, and, in some cases the […]
The Right Way to Make a Big Career Transition
Career transitions are complex and there is usually a lot more to them than we see on the surface. Whether you are pursuing a passion or side hustle, confused about quitting your job for a new one, or just looking for a change, know that it’s not a straightforward decision. It requires careful planning and […]