As a member of Cornerstone International Group, your market becomes THE WORLD. Our member firms typically maintain their own separate ownership and identity and you remain financially and operationally independent. However, belonging to a large organization can bring the "clout" of size, the advantage of being "local" in other locations, plus economies of scale in purchasing power.
Think what you can do as a member of a global organization such as Cornerstone which is ranked by Forbes in America's top 20 Executive Research Firms in May 2017 and was also named as one of the Top Ten Best Management Consulting Firms in Executive Search in 2016, with an exceptionally high number of client recommendations.
Why Your Firm Should Join Cornerstone
Being a member of Cornerstone International Group gives you a global presence, with partners around the world to help you with projects you identified. Once accepted by our membership and quality committee as member, you would be able to work with other offices of Cornerstone International Group who need assistance in your market.
You can also participate with various practice groups in global business development efforts.
Click here to download our presentation “11 Reasons to talk to Cornerstone” and make your first contact with just the nicest bunch of talent specialists anywhere on the planet.
Ready to start the conversation?
Contact Simon Wan for further discussion at