Trust is the foundation for building strong teams, creating a positive work culture, and producing results.
The cost of not having trust in the workplace is also greater than you may be aware of.
Fast Company shared a story about a Fortune 500 company that realized it took an average of 89 weeks to execute change within their company,
and 39 of those weeks were a direct result of mistrust.
Have you ever worked in an environment where trust didn’t exist?
You most likely experienced a workplace where people were unreliable, inadequate, disloyal, uncommunicative, and inconsistent in their work and their moods.
It’s what I call a low-trust workplace, and it can create a highly stressful and undesirable environment for everyone.
However, when trust is present, people start to take ownership of their responsibilities, help one another out,
speak highly of one another, communicate more often, and tend to be more productive.
Trust provides a safe place for people to share their struggles and dreams and reach their potential individually and as a team.
So how can you, as the leader, build a high-trust workplace? In this post, I’ll share the five elements of trust so you can raise the morale of your team.
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