Is HR an art or a science? This existential question has been debated threadbare for decades. In more recent times, Digital Technology or Digital Transformation has been the topic of discussions in HR circles. The recruitment and selection process has taken to Digital Transformation seamlessly. 50% of experienced hiring professionals, including HR professionals, opine that data is the top trend impacting their hiring practices.
Digital transformation in HR has led to a major swing to digital learning with spend increasing on almost all areas of digital, led by content. 80% of HR professionals believe that incorporating HR technologies into their processes improved employee attitude toward the company. The workforce today is made up largely of the millennial population who are at ease with the screen and digital in their personal and professional spheres. Digital Transformation in HR has not been just about the HR team or processes, it’s been a large-scale change that involves the organization as a whole.
The most important benefit of the digital workplace will be thawing boundaries and creating organizations where communication barriers cease to exist. While this may sound exciting, it will require a very unique governance model which supports, connect and collaboration while at the same time mitigates risk to the organization. The most critical enabler of digital transformation surprisingly is not technology itself, it’s people. According to Gartner, 64% of managers perceived that their employees will be unable to keep pace with the future skill needs. No amount of automation, AI or digitalization can take away the “Art” of HR which encompasses HR’s role as the counsellor, coach, strategic business partner and the change agent. HR teams in the coming times have an invitation to balance the science and the Art of HR in their endeavour to creating workplaces of the future.
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