Coaching and managing a team are two very different things. A coach inspires the team to perform at its best. A manager is charged with putting pragmatic logistics systems into place. An organization’s success depends on having both (or at least someone who can do both functions).
Coaching vs Managing: The most notable contrasts between coaching and managing is that managing is mainly concerned with providing direction and is devoid of inspiration. If you have only rules, procedures, and systems in place but no motivation to inspire your team to perform at their best, you will never see the outcomes you want. But managerial guidance is also important to do our everyday tasks. Nothing will get done if there are no efficiency, systems, or processes in place.
Coaching Community: Coaching people is a much more enjoyable process as it inspires individuals with durable values and helps in creating a vision. Having a coaching culture in the company is a game changer. Everybody manages, but not everyone coaches. Put tiers of mentors from executives to interns. Have values that you teach, no matter what job a person holds. Inspire individuals to be their best self. These strategies will shape your business.
Coach and learn: It’s also important to understand your position as a coach. The greatest way to learn is to: “I’ll listen. I’ll team up with others. I’ll have them listen. Then I’ll train someone else to do it.” That’s how coaching develops from learning to execution to equity. Think of how much you are a coach or a manager, and what actions you do in each role. Understand when to coach and when to manage.
Coach your team: As a coach, you want your team to think they are fully responsible for their mistakes. Accountability forces you to be honest, first to yourself, then to others. Thomas Edison attempted to develop the light bulb over 2000 times and failed each time. Did he let it bring him down? No! “I learned 2000 ways not to make a light bulb!” he said.
Consistent Skills Training: Coaching is based on improving people’s abilities. A competent coach helps people improve their skills in their jobs and also helps individuals and groups improve ineffective skills by identifying their shortcomings.
The Coach Approach: Coaching a team is more complex and challenging than managing them, but it is also a lot more rewarding. Consider how often people go through the motions on autopilot. It’s your responsibility as a coach to assist them see how they are positioning themselves up to fail. Provide them a plan to change their approach.
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